
Mia pulp fiction
Mia pulp fiction

I said, 'Well, let's just cut them off,' and make a proportional statement. All of the black trousers that I liked were a little bit short, so I made the executive decision. We had no money, as usual, on Pulp Fiction, and Uma's very tall. I think Mia's look was true to the iconic history of broads in movies, and of femme fatales in movies. Think back to the fact that she wore those very tailored suits-just like the men. You know, I think that Lauren Bacall was a Reservoir Dog, in her own right. I created the look for that movie, too, and then mentioned to Quentin-and he agreed with me-that Vince and Jules were both Reservoir Dogs. The culture and history behind these films started with Reservoir Dogs. "First of all, Mia Wallace is a female version of a Reservoir Dog. Below, costume designer Betsy Heimann, in her own words, tells us why, precisely, she chose that outfit: Twenty years ago today, Mia Wallace, the idling, bored, chemically dependent wife to Ving Rhames' kingpin, Marsellus Wallace, took to the dance floor with Vincent Vega (John Travolta) for one of the most off-putting-yet-hypnotic dance montages in cinema history. In a new weekly series, Why That Outfit, explores the psychological underpinnings (and on-set backstories) behind some of film and television's most inexplicably iconic looks. Some outfits stick with us long after the closing credits.

Mia pulp fiction